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  Why Poor Circulation is Very Unhealthy

Poor blood circulation is when not all of the cells and organs of the body aren't getting enough blood to ensure that such organ performs it duties correctly. Every organ and cell needs to get a certain amount of blood to perform at its best level. Poor blood circulation leads to many problems for the body. The poor blood circulation usually develops over a large period of time. This problem is often related to either disease or lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyles abuse the heart. An bad diet and not enough exercise can cause excessive fats to become deposited on the walls of the arteries, causing partial or full blockages. This could result in a heart attack when the arteries get blocked enough.

One of the benefits of the infrared therapy produced by the Biomat is increased blood circulation. The heat from the Biomat can help break up those blockages with consistent use and eventually your blood flows everywhere it needs to go.

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Poor circulation can cause many other health problems. Chronic disorders such as kidney damage, varicose veins and stroke are among the conditions that can happen if circulation issues go untreated. Causes of poor circulation are obesity, insufficient exercise, poor diet and high blood pressure should be treated. All of the above causes slow blood flow to areas in your body. Arteries narrow, which does not allow blood vessels to carry ennough blood and oxygen to all parts of the body.

Impaired blood flow to the brain can cause a stroke. Heart attacks are also caused from blood flow problems. When a person has heaviness, numbness in the legs, the muscles are not getting sufficient blood. A lack of sufficient blood flow can also affect a person's mental capacity. Memory loss, dizzy spells, frequent headaches and slow response can be caused by poor blood circulation.



Infrared therapy efficiently helps to increase blood circulation without putting strain on your heart and increases the levels of white blood cells and oxygen in your blood. It also increases the production of collagen in your body and helps to detoxify by causing you to perspire, which results in a better immune system and better cardiovascular health.

Infrared light is able to penetrate the soft tissues of the body to expand the capillaries. This causes an increase in blood circulation. As the infrared heat warms the body, oxygen and nutrients can be easily delivered to every cell. Painful conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis and other joint disorders can be easily relieved with infrared therapy.

Infrared therapy can increase your blood flow by quarts a minute. Many health conditions can be alleviated due to the increased peripheral dilation associated with infrared therapy.

Time spent on a Biomat is like doing a passive workout. Your heart rate will rise, you will perspire and you will feel the deep heat soothe your body inside and out. As your body's blood circulation improves, movement will become easier, pain is easily managed and muscles relax. No system in your body functions well with poor circulation. The Biomat can greatly improve the problem.






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