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  Biomats Can Help With Many Major Diseases
  Besides cancer, diabetes and lyme disease, the Biomat's infrared therapy is a must-have healing tool for many other diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, neuralgia and more. On this page we will discuss the symptoms of these diseases and exactly how the BIomat can help you feel better.
  Fibromyalgia and Infrared Therapy   Order now (850) 348-1541

Fibromyalgia Syndrome attacks muscles and soft tissue. Symptoms include fatigue, chronic muscle pain, difficulty remembering and concentrating ("fibro fog"), abdominal pain, nausea, migraine headaches, insomnia, muscle spasms, and painful trigger points, which can be relieved through pharmeceuticals, lifestyle changes and managing stress.

The Biomat's infrared and negative ion therapies work together to detoxify your body, boosting your immune system and minimizing the effects of each of these symptoms. Increased blood flow will help with the concentration, fatigue, muscle pain, migraine headaches and muscle spasms. More energy is a result. Fibromyalgia patients who use the Biomat together with their medications will find their lives much improved.

How the Biomat Can Help Your Arthritis  


The most common symptoms of arthritis are neck and back pain, tenderness of the joints, and swelling and stiffness of the joints. Other symptoms include difficulty bending, limited range of motion and a crunching feeling of bone rubbing on bone in the joints. Arthritis can drastically change your life for the worse, limiting it with pain and suffering.

Infrared rays can penetrate the body, providing relief to all of it. This makes infrared treatment a very good therapy for people suffering from arthritis. Since the body responds to the heat by increasing metabolism and heart rate treating the entire body with infrared therapy is like working, which is good for people with arthritis who can't easily move to perform a regular physical workout. The Biomat will help soothe joint and muscle pain by increasing the blood circulation in your body.

Put Some Infrared Heat On Your Back Pain   Biomat

Millions of people experience back pain either once in a while or constantly. Either way, its unpleasant and debilitating. It can keep you from sleep, work and your family. The Biomat can change all that with infrared therapy.

One of infrared therapy's ability's is to easily penetrate human tissue and heat our body. Infrared heat can penetrate the human body without heating the air in between. This process is conversion. You can be exposed to infrared heat for hours and it will never burn your skin. By using the Biomat, the heat can penetrate deep into your muscles without the skin discomfort of hot towels, heating pads, and some pain relief gels and creams. And the benefits are infinite.

Infrared heat therapy helps to increase blood circulation without putting strain on your heart, and increases the oxygen levels and white blood cells in your blood. It also increases the production of collagen in your body, the main protein of connective tissue that builds muscles. In addition, infrared therapy detoxifies your body by causing you to perspire. You get a stronger immune system, better cardiovascular health, the ability to heal faster from soft tissue injuries such as tears, pulls and sprains and the Biomat will relieve your back pain.

Infrared therapy penetrates deep into soft tissue, making it a perfect source of backache relief. Athletes and the elderly will benefit from an efficient means of loosening sore muscles and stiff joints without using ointments or creams that burn and have an unpleasant odor.



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