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  Gut Health With the Richway Biomat
  Did you know that your gut has more nerve cells than the rest of your body, including your brain? Did you know that your happiness is more related to your gut than your brain? Did you know that there's a reason for the saying, "I have a gut feeling"? Your gut is your "core", the control center of your body and the Richway Biomat can greatly improve your gut's functioning.
  How is the Gut Our Second Brain?   Order now (850) 348-1541

As a fetus, your gut, consisting of your esophagus, small intestine, stomach and colon develop from the same part of the embryo as your brain. Eventually, your gut and brain split off from one another and grow apart but are still connected by a giant nerve called the vagus nerve. Your brain and cranial nerves are your central nervous system and your gut is your enteric nervous system, both forever linked to work separately and together.

Your gut contains 10 times the microbe species as the entire rest of your body. These microbes create nutrients by breaking down the food you eat. They also work to remove toxins and to boost the immune system. The Biomat can restore the microbial balance that is key to gut and total body health. Infrared heat will promote beneficial microbe and hormone production.

Infrared Therapy Increases Serotonin Production  


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter mostly located in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract The fact is that the amount of serotonin produced by the body is directly related to our happiness. Approximately 90% of serotonin in the gut where it regulates digestive functions and aids in immunity functions. The Biomat can help increase the serotonin levels within your gut by heating the gut with infrared therapy.

There are also trillions of different types of bacteria living in our intestines, some are good for our health, some aren't. Infrared therapy will increase the amount of beneficial baccili in the intestines, which then boost our immune systems. As the healthy bacteria increase in number, they produce heat shock proteins that attack malicious baccili. Your brain is directly connected to your gut and for that reason, your health is greatly dependent on the other. When you are upset, you promote the growth of bad bacteria in your intestines and that relates to your mental health. If your brain is depressed or stressed, unhealthy bacteria multiply in your gut and can cause many life-threatening diseases.


Infrared Therapy Promotes Weight Los   Biomat

When our gut becomes cold, your body wants to protect the organs in your by making more layers of fat. No matter how much you exercise, if your gut is cold, you won't ever completely be rid of abdominal fat. If you really want your gut to go away, the Richway Biomat is the solution. Reduction in body temperature by 1 degree can cut enzyme functions by 30%! When enzymes are low in numbers, the body adapts by building fat around your vital organs to keep them functioning properly. Once enzyme production is balanced, the body begins to get rid of the fat. The Biomat will help get

that balance back. The Biomat can help you consistently keep your gut warm so that the body wont see producing fat as necessary.

Sometimes we gain weight because of the toxins in our bodies. Fat cells are created to trap toxic substances in the body. Infrared therapy releases the toxins through perspiration or urination and detoxifies the body. This is why many diets don't seem to work: because for them to work, you must also detoxify..

Biomats also produce negative ions which purify the air around you and speed up detoxification. The Biomat can assist in restoring normal gut functions by warming the area, which will increase enzyme activity. This will lead towards loss of weight and reducing low back pain as well. Many cases of low back pain are actually atrributed to sluggish colons. The Biomat will also increase serotonin production which leaves the stomach satisfied more and prevents over eating.



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